This is my first laser cut house complete with Ray Eames’ patterned roof. I’ve never digitally fabricated a three-d object so I thought that was the place to start with the laser cutter. I found a simple house pattern online.
And made some minor adjustments to the design. This was also my first time using Illustrator – somehow managed to avoid it despite a decade+ with Photoshop. So getting used to vector logic was fun/frustrating.
Below are the six final pieces – which were maybe the third or fourth try. Other attempts either were basic errors (leaving a stray vector that resulted in a errant cut) or needed more passes with the laser. The final version still isn’t perfect. I had to manually make the slots in the roof a little wider as the cardboard expanded somewhat after being cut. I did not bother fixing the bottom piece because I like the idea of using the surface the house rests on as the floor.