i successfully rewrote a part of my midterm as a function – huzzah! the only problem is sometimes it doesn’t work. i know it is something on line 41/42. how can i make a function out of the phrase.append portion? i know it can… i think, maybe. or whatever.

so sometimes it works, something is off...


[‘you’, ‘things,’, ‘from’, ‘know’, ‘or’]

you things, from know or
you things, from or know
you things, know from or
you things, know or from
you things, or from know
you things, or know from

you from things, know or
you from things, or know
you from know things, or
you from know or things,
you from or things, know
you from or know things,

you know things, from or
you know things, or from
you know from things, or
you know from or things,
you know or things, from
you know or from things,

you or things, from know
you or things, know from
you or from things, know
you or from know things,
you or know things, from
you or know from things,

things, you from know or
things, you from or know
things, you know from or
things, you know or from
things, you or from know
things, you or know from

things, from you know or
things, from you or know
things, from know you or
things, from know or you
things, from or you know
things, from or know you

things, know you from or
things, know you or from
things, know from you or
things, know from or you
things, know or you from
things, know or from you

things, or you from know
things, or you know from
things, or from you know
things, or from know you
things, or know you from
things, or know from you

from you things, know or
from you things, or know
from you know things, or
from you know or things,
from you or things, know
from you or know things,

from things, you know or
from things, you or know
from things, know you or
from things, know or you
from things, or you know
from things, or know you

from know you things, or
from know you or things,
from know things, you or
from know things, or you
from know or you things,
from know or things, you

from or you things, know
from or you know things,
from or things, you know
from or things, know you
from or know you things,
from or know things, you

know you things, from or
know you things, or from
know you from things, or
know you from or things,
know you or things, from
know you or from things,

know things, you from or
know things, you or from
know things, from you or
know things, from or you
know things, or you from
know things, or from you

know from you things, or
know from you or things,
know from things, you or
know from things, or you
know from or you things,
know from or things, you

know or you things, from
know or you from things,
know or things, you from
know or things, from you
know or from you things,
know or from things, you

or you things, from know
or you things, know from
or you from things, know
or you from know things,
or you know things, from
or you know from things,

or things, you from know
or things, you know from
or things, from you know
or things, from know you
or things, know you from
or things, know from you

or from you things, know
or from you know things,
or from things, you know
or from things, know you
or from know you things,
or from know things, you

or know you things, from
or know you from things,
or know things, you from
or know things, from you
or know from you things,
or know from things, you